Running Istio on windows with minikube

If your company provide only windows machine the good way to get it working is:

- download the windows release
- setup the linux version with WLS

To do the installation follow these steps:

  • enable WLS on your windows 10 machine, follow the instruction here.
  • install kubectl on your WLS distro.
  • copy kubectl config files from c:\Users\<your_user>\.kube\config in your linux home dire under .kube folder, to do that from WLS shell run this command
    root@NBMBUCCAR:~/.kube# cp /mnt/c/Users/mbuccarello/.kube/config /root/.kube/
  • copy minikube confgi files from c:\Users\<your_user>\.minikube to the .minikube directory in your home, to do that run this commands from your WLS shell
    root@NBMBUCCAR:~/.kube# cp /mnt/c/Users/mbuccarello/.minikube/client.* /root/.minikuberoot@NBMBUCCAR:~/.kube# cp /mnt/c/Users/mbuccarello/.minikube/ca.crt /root/.minikube
At the end of this process the situation on your WLS shell directories and files are:

Now we need to convert all the windows path in linux inside the /root/.kube/config file, in the screen there is a before after modfication

In my WLS shell I downloaded istio in /istio-1.0.0 so as usual configuration step we need to add to the $PATH path to the bin folder of the istioctl command line:

-export PATH="$PATH:/istio-1.0.0/bin"

to make it permantely just ad this line insde your bash profile in my case /root/.profile file.

At this point after WLS bash restart you istioctl is avaible and ready to be used.


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