
Showing posts from October, 2018

IBM and Red Hat long story, long love, now married!

Most of the people thinking about opensource they think in my perspective mostly to Red Hat and other company rather than IBM. IBM is really active in opensource for a long time, helped Apache Foundation , Eclipse Foudation collaborate with the Linux Foundation and Red Hat as well. I think I can create a different long post to describe how is active and how helped opensource in different way. We can analyze  this acquisition from different perspective, from Financial to  Development. My personal point of view ( from a Cloud Architect ) most of the application around the world in banking, assurance and not only are java based, think about java in cloud in the past Year could be hard. Right now we can talk about java in the cloud with opensource project like OpenJ9 and OpenLiberty and the community behind. If you think about moving from on premise to cloud or from monolitch to microservice you can't say " well it's time to rework " because you are throwing years o...

Cloud Native Meetup Milan

Well, I enjoyed this meetup as a speaker and I love the effort from Jacopo Nardiello between family, work and community things in general. In this tweet you can feel it! I was honored as IBM Champion to speak and share my knowledge on Istio and I hope to share more information on IBM Cloud Private and IBM Kubernetes as a service in the future! Thanks Jacopo! Well Done!